在 2018.08.17~21 期間,感謝張世諴牙醫師,率領本會醫療醫師志工團隊,百忙中抽空在金邊及偏鄉提供義診服務。
During 2018.08.17~21, thanks to the medical team leader Dr. Shih- Hsien Chang (dentist) guided APCMGU medical team of volunteers to offer several free medical services in Cambodia out of their daily busy duties in Taiwan.
The team members included: Executive Supervisor Dr. Meng-Heng Hsieh, Director Dr. Yi-Chia Li, Acupuncturist Chuan-Ming Su, Dr. Shan-Ling Kuo (who just recovered from a severe flu), Chiropractor Leon Lin and volunteers, etc...
首站 2018.08.18 在崇慧義診,同時也有六位柬國志工參加在兩天志工培訓課程, 圓滿成功。
The 1st mission led by Dr. Chang on Aug.18, 2018 was served at Chong-Hui, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. In the meantime, there were 6 Cambodian volunteers joined and completed 2-Day Volunteer Training Programs successfully.