國際志工 - 醫學暨文化交流
International Volunteers - Medical & Cultural Exchanges
本會自於 2017 年 1 月起持續推動台柬雙方國際志工醫學暨文化交流, 邀請柬埔寨醫界人士或相 關政府官員及醫學院學生志工來台進行參訪各大醫學院暨附設醫院等相關醫學及文化交流, 希望 藉由這些交流更了解台灣.
Since Jan.2017, we started to promote Medical & Cultural Exchanges for International Volunteers between Taiwan & Cambodia by inviting several outstanding Medical Doctors, officials and volunteers of medical students to Taiwan. In addition to medical exchanges by visiting several Medical Universities & Hospitals, the cultural exchange programs are also provided for their better understanding about Taiwan.